Using Co-Simulation for the Integrated Planning and Analysis of Wide Area Measurement Systems
The increasing penetration of measurement and communication infrastructures in power grids have led to the development of new applications and use cases in the utility sector, such as demand side management and virtual power plants. The success of such applications, however, depends on a proper interplay of the underlying communication network and the power grid. For this reason, integrated planning approaches for the extension of measurement and communication infrastructures in the power grids have recently been a hot research topic. Although such planning techniques are of crucial significance for an optimum network design satisfying the requirements of both the power system and the communication network, a simulative performance analysis must accompany the planning process. Therefore, in this work we present a cosimulation environment and tool chain to enable integrated planning and subsequent performance analysis of a wide area measurement system. As an example use case, the proposed environment is used to investigate the accuracy of phasor measurement unit-based linear state estimation techniques for IEEE 14-bus test network under several communication network scenarios.
integrated simulation;cosimulation; integrated planning; state estimation; PMU; integrated network design; wide area measurement system; simulation
ISBN Information
Electronic ISBN: 978-953-290-071-2
Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-5090-3987-6
BibTEX Reference Entry 
@inproceedings{ToAlSaMa17, author = {Halil Alper Tokel and Gholamreza Alirezaei and Thomas Salzmann and Rudolf Mathar}, title = "Using {Co-Simulation} for the Integrated Planning and Analysis of Wide Area Measurement Systems", booktitle = "2nd International Multidisciplinary Conference on Computer and Energy Science 2017 (SpliTech2017)", address = {Split, Croatia}, month = Jun, year = 2017, hsb = RWTH-2017-06956, }
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