Intelligent cruise control and reliable communication of mobile stations


R. Hager, R. Mathar, J. Mattfeldt,


        The reliability of a short range packet radio network for mobile stations is investigated via the probability of a successful transmission. The instantaneous power of an interfering station's transmission is described by a Rayleigh distribution. We determine the distribution of cumulated interference power and the probability of a successful transmission, when the number of interfering stations is random and each station transmits only with probability p. Two lower bounds of increasing complexity are given. We evaluate these bounds for an intelligent cruise control system, when mobile stations are lined up in a traffic jam, and one approaching vehicle should be warned by the last member of the queue.

BibTEX Reference Entry 

	author = {Rolf Hager and Rudolf Mathar and J{\"u}rgen Mattfeldt},
	title = "Intelligent cruise control and reliable communication of mobile stations",
	pages = "443-448",
	journal = "{IEEE} Transactions on Vehicular Technology",
	volume = "44",
	number = "3",
	month = Aug,
	year = 1995,
	hsb = RWTH-CONV-223146,


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