![[Picture of Yulin Hu]](/~hu/src/hu.jpg)
Dr.-Ing. Yulin Hu
Personal homepage: http://www.ti.rwth-aachen.de/~hu
E-Mail: yulin.hu@inda.rwth-aachen.de⟦Publications⟧
Conference Awards:
Travel Grant, 5th IFIP/IEEE Wireless Days 2012, Dublin, Ireland.
Invited Paper, 9th IEEE SAM 2016, Special Session, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Invited Paper, 23rd IEEE APCC 2017, Workshop, Perth, Australia.
Invited Paper, IEEE 87th VTC2018-Spring, Porto, Portugal?
Best Paper, 14th IEEE ISWCS 2017, Track 1, Bologna, Italy.
Best Paper, 28th IEEE PIMRC 2017, Montreal, Canada.
Student Awards:
China State-Sponsored Scholarship for PhD study, 2011-2015
Kwang-Hua Scholarship, USTC, 2009
China State-Sponsored Scholarship for Master study, USTC, 2008-2011
Individual Scholarship, HIT, 2005
First Prize of College Speech Contest, HIT, 2004
College Choir Outstanding Contribution Award, HIT, 2004
Provincial Quintessence Student (High school), Anhui, 2003.
Research interests:
His research interests include information theory and optimal design of wireless communication systems with emphasis on statistical QoS provisioning, ultra-reliable low latency communications (URLLC), simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT) systems, cooperative communication and relaying as well as networks operating in the finite blocklength regime.
External activities:
1. IEEE Senior Member
2. Serve as a PhD dissertation international examiner for Aalto University, Finland, 2018.
3. Serve as an editor
ELSEVIER Physical Communication, (SCIE, IF 1.58).
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, (SCIE, IF 2.4).
4. Serve as the lead guest editor for a special issue "Low-Power URLLC Transmissions in the Era of IoT" of Physical Communication.
5. Organizer of a special session
6. Serve as a TPC member
IEEE WCNC EDGEWorkshop 2018
IEEE ICC B5GURLLC Workshop 2009
7. Referee for Journals
IEEE Networks Magazine, IEEE Communication Magazine, IEEE Transactions on
Wireless Communications, IEEE Transactions on Communications, IEEE Transactions
on Vehicular Technology, IEEE Access, IEEE Communications Letters, IEEE Wireless
Communications Letters, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, EURASIP Journal on
Wireless Communications and Networking, International Journal of Electronics,
Sensors, Annals of Telecommunications (Springer).
8. Referee for Conferences
WCNC 2018-2019, IEEE ISIT 2016, IEEE VTC 2011-2018, IEEE PIMRC 2014, 2017.
IEEE ISWCS 2013-2019, IEEE ICC 2014-2017, IEEE BlackSeaCom 2015, IEEE
EW 2015, ACM MSWiM 2015, IEEE WSA 2016-2019.
Project experiences:
I have contributed to the following projects (*: as PI or Project Lead, i.e. being responsible for proposal
writing and research tasks.):
1. The National Science Key Special Project of China "IMT-Advanced Novel Wireless
Transmission Technology Program" with Grants No. 2008ZX03003-004.
2. National Science Key Special Project of China "IMT-Advanced{The research of
key technologies and solutions" with Grant No. 2008BAH30B09.
3. International Science and Technology Cooperation Program (Sino-Swedish Cooperative
Program) with Grant No. 2008DFA12160.
4. National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program) with Grant No. 2007CB310602.
*5. USTC-Huawei Cooperation Program "Application of relaying in UMTS" with
Grant No. YBWL2010256.
6. DFG Cluster of Excellence on Ultra High-Speed Mobile Information and Communication,
German Research Foundation grant DFG EXC 89.
*8. Univerisity ICT grant from ICT Foundations of a Digitized Industry, Economy,
and Society, "Low Latency Systems Modeling", approved, Oct.2016-Oct.2017.
*7. DFG grant proposal, "Performance Analysis and Optimization of Future Low
Latency and Reliable Cooperative Communication", approved, June.2018-June.2020
*9. Univerisity ICT grant from "ICT Foundations of a Digitized Industry, Economy,
and Society", "Low Latency Systems under the Finite Blocklength Regime: Performance
Modeling and Optimization", approved, Oct.2017-Oct.2018.
*10. DFG-Supported RWTH startup grant, "Reliability Limits of Latency Critical
Systems", approved, StUpPD 262-17, Nov.2017-Nov.2018.
*11. DFG grant, "Achieving Green Ultra-Reliable and Low-Latency Communications
Using Short Blocklength Codes: Fundamental Theory and Optimal Design", approved, 2019-2022.
Open bachelor and master thesis:
Our research team with 3-4 PhD students always have open thesis topics in following research fields. Please just drop emails if you have interests.
Research field: Industry 4.0
Thesis topic i. Optimal scheduling in multi-terminal industrial networks.
Thesis topic ii. Low-latency design in multi-terminal industrial networks.
Research field: 5G
Thesis topic i. End-to-End latency minimization in edge computing networks. (With 2 Master thesis students)
Thesis topic ii. Optimal placement/trajectory design for the UVA-base-station in UAV-asissited networks. (With 1 Master thesis student)
Thesis topic iii. Optimal resouce allocation in non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) networks. (With 1 Master student HIWI)
Thesis topic iv. Optimal resouce allocation in wireless powered networks. (With 1 Master thesis student)
Thesis topic v. Performance analysis and system design in millimeter-wave networks. (With 1 Master thesis student)